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Lawyer Team >> Senior Partners >>Li Tian

Name: Li Tian

Title: Senior Partner


Li Tian, senior partner of Shanghai K-Insight Law Firm, has many years of working experience in the economic crime investigation department of public security organs. He began to work as a full-time lawyer in 2015, and has accumulated rich experience in criminal proceedings, corporate compliance and other fields.

Professional Specialty

  • Criminal defense

With nearly 20 years of experience in public security investigation, Li Tian has developed unique views and advantages in the defense of criminal offenses. Since the beginning of his lawyer career, he has been employed as the agent attorney for a large number of criminal cases. In particular, he has been an excellent defense attorney for cases regarding securities, contract fraud, illegal operation, taxes, duty-related crimes, infringement of intellectual property rights, illegal absorption of public deposits, fund-raising fraud, etc.

  • Corporate compliance

Li Tian is good at providing corporate clients with comprehensive legal assistance in terms of compliance, including but not limited to investigating and analyzing the criminal legal risks faced by the enterprises in business operations to ensure their business compliance; providing assistance for anti-corruption investigation within the enterprises; providing legal advice on the protection of trade secrets and intellectual property rights; providing assistance for crisis public relations in case of enterprise credit risks; providing legal assistance for enterprises when they suffer from illegal infringements in order to recover losses.